Quem ou o que é “MITCH”: Porque motivo devemos encontrar-nos no Canal
Imagine living in Mainz when Gutenberg democratized literacy. Or in Menlo Park when Thomas Edison reimagined modern life. Or in sub-Saharan Africa when the first humanoid discovered that they could create and harness fire. Maybe we don’t have to imagine. We just may be living in a time and place in history that future generations will look back on and recognize the transformative giant leap forward enabled by digital transformation.
Over the past several years (and accelerated over the past 12 months), digital transformation and the new collaborative culture have become part of how we live, interact and conduct business on a global scale. People can work virtually from anywhere and maintain the same access to tools, connection to coworkers and experiences with customers as they always have.
But, with progress comes responsibility. As we embrace a collaborative culture in the new digital world, businesses are being tasked with securing it. New threats from the outside and inside are inhibiting progress, sapping productivity and introducing risk. However, with every challenge comes opportunity.
Code42 is on the forefront of enabling and embracing the new collaborative culture and helping to solve the Insider Risk security issue.
We’re essentially a digital company. Our employees work all over the world in global capitals, across small cities and down country roads, and everyone–from the C-Suite to the help desk–relies almost exclusively on our ability to connect and collaborate through secure digital platforms.
While our company has moved to a 100% channel execution model, that move to the channel was only our first step. We feel so confident in our ability to work together with other security vendors that we have introduced Meet in the Channel, commonly called “MITCH.” This is our new go-to-market strategy for working on solutions with other security vendors and we meet in the channel (MITCH) for customer execution and value add.
This new digital enablement program ensures that we are focusing our resources and partnerships to enable customer success. The thing is, our channel ecosystem isn’t just made up of integrators or resellers. Other customer results-oriented security vendors have joined MITCH as well.
For example, Code42 Incydr takes a cloud native approach to insider risk management that gives companies the ability to mitigate data exposure from employees, contractors and partners. The solution integrates with other security solutions to enable productivity and collaboration while identifying and mitigating the insider threat risk typically associated with today’s highly-distributed and remote collaborative culture. MITCH is not set up to sell more Incydr licenses. We want to deliver results for customers regardless of the size of our slice of the pie. If another vendor in our partner ecosystem can solve the problem, great, as long as the customer’s needs are being met.
MITCH allows us to break down the silos that typically inhibit channel success.
On a tactical level, MITCH allows our partners to easily create joint playbooks with SOAR or feed data into a SIEM, IAM and ITSM solutions while giving the security team the visibility and control over how that data is being used. This allows us to align strategies, take advantage of shared strengths and address customer needs as a single, unified team. I think everyone can appreciate it when tech companies can play nice in the sand and endorse each other. It certainly makes things a lot easier for the channel, for us and for customers who are having to make these strategic decisions.
The concept of MITCH becomes more enticing to our channel partners as they become the central meeting point for all technologies. We recognized that the channel is more broadly educated on security use cases through its interaction with a wide variety of security vendors. This knowledge base enables them to provide more added value by leveraging their consultation and professional services for Code42 and our technology partners. Without a doubt, choosing to MITCH (yes, it’s now become a verb within the Code42 universe) creates a win for Code42’s entire partner ecosystem. We all have a stake in ensuring customer success while optimizing revenue through collaboration. And, most importantly, we are enabling a powerful transformation in how the world conducts business by securing new ways to work.
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