ownCloud and Kaspersky to form technology partnership
From now on, the two companies jointly provide an integration for Kaspersky Scan Engine with ownCloud Enterprise using the ICAP protocol.
ownCloud, the open source file collaboration platform specialist, and Kaspersky, the world’s largest privately-held vendor of endpoint protection and cybersecurity solutions, announce the start of their technology partnership. From now on, the two companies jointly provide an integration for Kaspersky Scan Engine with ownCloud Enterprise using the ICAP protocol.
When files containing malicious code get uploaded into a file collaboration platform without proper defense, they can potentially propagate across a whole network, making scans for malware a vital necessity. Sadly, running an Antivirus scanner on the upload server saps performance. Existing solutions create excessive complexity.
This is why ownCloud and Kaspersky choose to integrate their enterprise-grade products using the open-standard ICAP protocol. It offloads the anti-malware scanning to a separate server. This also means that the scanning can be swiftly scaled to match shifting demands. At the same time the integration is easier for admins to set up and maintain.
By partnering with ownCloud, we want to make sure that all the advantages of private cloud technologies come together with the safety and security that can only be provided by a first-class anti-malware solution such as Kaspersky Scan Engine
“Even as hundreds of enterprises are completing their cloud migration, the adversaries are stepping up their game seeking to exploit these new opportunities. By partnering with ownCloud, we want to make sure that all the advantages of private cloud technologies come together with the safety and security that can only be provided by a first-class anti-malware solution such as Kaspersky Scan Engine. I am honored to welcome ownCloud to our growing community of Kaspersky Technology Partners”, says Alexander Karpitsky, Head of Technology Alliances at Kaspersky.
Using the ICAP protocol underscores our conviction that open standards are the way to go towards digital sovereignty
“Cybersecurity is a trust issue. Our partnership with Kaspersky allows our enterprise customers to do their antivirus scanning themselves on-premises, without compromising sensitive data by sending them to third-party scanning services. Using the ICAP protocol underscores our conviction that open standards are the way to go towards digital sovereignty”, explains ownCloud COO Holger Dyroff.
The open-standards integration of Kaspersky Scan Engine and ownCloud Enterprise nicely extends the existing functionality of ownCloud’s Antivirus App. The joint solution is ready and available for all interested ownCloud Enterprise customers and also makes ownCloud easily accessible to Kaspersky customers.
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