The WiFiman Mobile App Introduces Its New Signal Mapper
Earlier this month, we added yet another dynamic utility to WiFiman’s belt—one that will make it easier than ever to track your wireless network’s performance. The Signal Mapper, our newest WiFi diagnostic tool, can now be used on both WiFiman mobile apps (iOS/Android). With it, you can see how your wireless signal’s stability and throughput change as you move throughout your home or office.
The Signal Mapper is perfect for those looking to pinpoint exactly where their WiFi coverage fluctuates, flattens, or falls off completely so they can boost their signal to those areas with one of our many mesh access points.
If you’d like to try the Signal Mapper on an iOS device, make sure the device is connected to a Dream Machine or Dream Machine Pro running a UniFi Network application with an enabled WiFiman setting.
As always, we’d love to hear what you think about our improvements to the WiFiman mobile app and other UniFi OS applications. Head to the UI Community forum to share your experience with the Signal Mapper and hear from other users. Also, make sure to check our blog feed often for more on the ever-changing world of UniFi.
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