
Shall we make contact?

We have a wide range of products and solutions for your business partners, always offering pre and post-sales support services, as well as implementation and support. Interested in our products? Contact us!

Contact us!

Call us or send us a message. We'll try to get back to you in less than 24 hours.

    DSSI Portugal

    📍 Zoom Business Park | Edifício E,
    Piso 1, Escritório 3 |Estrada de Paço de Arcos |

    2735-307 Agualva-Cacém

    📞 +(351) 218 051 560


    Monday – Friday: 09:00h – 18:00h

    DSSI Spain

    📍 Calle de Claudio Coello, nº20 , 3º izq

    28001  Madrid

    📞 (+34) 697 776 938


    Monday – Friday: 9:00h – 18:00h

    DSSI Brazil

    📍 Av dos Autonomistas, 896 – Cj 804 SL 804 1C– Torre Santorini

    06020-012 Vila Yara

    Osasco | São Paulo

    📞 (+55) 11 98124 9007


    Monday – Friday: 9:00h – 18:00h

    DSSI Mozambique

    📍 Rua Gil Vicente nº 84 Bairro da Coop

    Maputo | Moçambique

    📞 (+258) 21 422 194 | (+258) 84 207 4064


    Monday – Friday: 08:00h – 17:30h

    DSSI Angola

    📍 Condomínio Palanca Negra, Casa nº 31

    Luanda | Talatona

    📞 (+244) 934 301 638


    Monday – Friday: 09:00h – 18:00h