NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.4 Beta: O que há de novo?
NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.4 Beta is now available for you to test! Be among the first to try the solution’s newest security-enhancing features: Immutable Repository and Two-Factor Authentication.
The Beta Program allows you to experience the latest features, share your feedback and get a $20 Amazon eGift Card. By participating in the Beta Program, you are helping us collect suggestions, identify opportunities for improvement and make NAKIVO Backup & Replication even better for you and everyone else.
Let’s look closer at the new features.
Immutable Repository
With 1 in 2 companies on average hit by ransomware in 2020 (Sophos), protecting both production and backup data is a high priority for organizations of all sizes. Malware and malicious or simply careless employees can do a lot of harm to critical backup data by deleting or encrypting backups stored in local repositories.
The latest beta release allows you to protect local backups from external threats by enabling immutability for backups and backup copies sent to a Linux-based local repository. Even though immutable backups are protected from modification, deletion or encryption by malware, you can use them for recoveries when needed. Once set, the immutability period cannot be changed or lifted by anyone except superusers.
Two-Factor Authentication
For cyber security purposes, passwords are no longer enough to protect accounts from unauthorized access, and NAKIVO is improving security when logging in to NAKIVO Backup & Replication. Now you can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for NAKIVO Backup & Replication to prevent unauthorized access to your data protection activities and policies. 2FA adds an additional layer of security with codes generated via Google Authenticator or sent by email, making it impossible to log in to the solution with only a password.
Eager to Try?
Give NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.4 Beta a try to enhance the security of your backups. Participation in the Beta Program not only brings the latest security-enhancing features to your environment but also allows you to receive a $20 Amazon eGift Card for sharing your feedback.
- Aternity
- Wasabi
- Riverbed
- Code42
- Titan HQ
- ActivTrak
- ownCloud
- OwnCloud
- Titan HQ
- Sophos
- Retrospect
- OwnCloud
- Solarwinds
- Soliton
- Stormshield
- Solarwinds
- Stormshield
- Code42
- Stormshield
- Wasabi
- Ubiquiti
- MailStore
- ActivTrack
- Wasabi
- MailStore
- Sophos
- Kemp
- MailStore
- Retrospect
- Peplink
- Avtech
- Retrospect
- Creative
- Sem categoria
- Avtech
- Riverbed
- General
- Aternity
- Nakivo
- Soliton
- Insights
- Nakivo
- Ubiquiti
- Tech
- Solarwinds
- Aternity
- Sophos
- World
- Hitachi
- ActivTrack
- K7 Computing
- K7 Security
- K7 Computing
- Uncategorized
- Titan HQ
- Kemp
- Sofia Testes
- Wasabi
- MailStore
- ActivTrack
- Wasabi
- ActivTrak
- MailStore
- Sophos
- Wasabi
- Sophos
- MailStore
- Retrospect
- Peplink
- Soliton
- Avtech
- Retrospect
- Creative
- Stormshield
- Avtech
- Riverbed
- General
- Ubiquiti
- Nakivo
- Soliton
- Insights
- Kemp
- Nakivo
- Ubiquiti
- Tech
- Aternity
- Aternity
- Sophos
- World
- ActivTrack
- K7 Computing
- Solarwinds
- K7 Computing
- Uncategorized
- Hitachi
- Kemp
- Sofia Testes
- Riverbed
- Code42
- Aternity
- ownCloud
- OwnCloud
- Titan HQ
- Sem categoria
- Retrospect
- OwnCloud
- Titan HQ
- K7 Security
- Stormshield
- Solarwinds
- Titan HQ
- Code42
- Stormshield
- Solarwinds