Continuous improvement makes your secure data platform even more productive
In May, we improved the ownCloud Apps for iOS and Android. Learn more about the newly released Anti-Virus App as well as updates on ownCloud Infinite Scale. Find out how to make sure data processing respects privacy issues.
Check your settings. With version 2.18, the ownCloud Android App has a bunch of new settings options, like the option to auto-upload photos and videos separately from different camera apps or folders. Please have a look at your settings after updating!
Search smarter and show off. The ownCloud iOS App version 11.6 brings a nice new presentation mode and a comprehensive rework of the file search capabilities. It brings custom queries, flexible search term and filter keyword combinations, term exclusion and the ability to easily switch between searching in an account and a folder.
Choose what fits your policy requirements. To make sure all uploads into ownCloud are safe, there is the Anti-Virus App available in the ownCloud Marketplace. With the fresh version 1.0, you can now pick any enterprise-ready Anti-Virus scan engine that’s compatible with the open-standard ICAP protocol to fortify your ownCloud Enterprise, for example Kaspersky Scan Engine or McAfee Web Gateway.
Early adoption just got easier. With a focus on being nice and sustainable, hosting provider Uberspace has developed a large following among tech enthusiasts. Our guest author Markus Feilner explains how to install ownCloud Infinite Scale on Uberspace in a few easy steps.
What’s new in ownCloud Infinite Scale. Our modernized cloud-native platform based on Microservices, Golang and Vue.js is now out in version 1.7. The eighth tech preview enables the new-generation S3 storage driver and a number of UI improvements.
Data boundary misses the point. For organizations in Europe, changes in privacy law and recent rulings mean that user data can’t be processed using US vendor’s public cloud offerings. To mitigate that blow to its business, Microsoft has promised to offer a comprehensive range of cloud services located in the EU by the end of 2022. This is a smoke screen because the storage location was never the problem – unfettered access for US government agencies as mandated by the US Cloud Act is, argues our CEO Tobias Gerlinger.
How to ensure adequate processing of user data. We’ve compiled a handy five-tips checklist for companies and public administrations in Europe that want to make sure they organize content collaboration with users’ privacy in mind and in compliance with data protection regulation.
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